วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Grammar test

1). Teresa is on holiday in Oxford and she _________ herself very much.
1. enjoy
2. is enjoy
3. is enjoying
4. enjoys
2). She learned _________ German when she was a child.
1. to speak
2. speaking
3. speak
4. for speak
3). They _________ do very much last night.
1. wasn't
2. hadn't
3. didn't
4. don't
4). There's a concert on at the Madison S. Garden. It starts _________ 8.30pm ________ Friday
1. on, at
2. to, at
3. at, to
4. at, on
5).          A: What's it like in town on Saturdays? 
B: It's very busy
. _________
                1. There are too many traffic
                2. It's too much traffic
                3. There's too much traffic
                4. There's a lot much traffic
6).          A: I really like playing football! 
B: ________
                1. So I do
                2. Nor do I
                3.  Neither do I
                4. So do I
7). It's such a lovely day I think _________ to the park.
                1. I'll go
                2. I go
                3. I'm going
                4. I'd
8). I don't feel very well this morning. I wish I _________ so much last night.
                1. hadn't eaten
                2. didn't eat
                3. shouldn't have eaten
                4. haven't eaten
9). If she doesn't finish her studies, she _________ get a good job
                1. doesn't
                2. wouldn't
                3. hasn't
                4. won't
10). He lost her credit card so he _________ pay for the meal.
                1. shouldn't
                2. couldn't
                3. can't
                4. wouldn't
11). The washing machine has broken down again. I think it _________ this time
                1. is needing changing
                2. needs to change
                3. is has need to change
                4. needs changing
12).        A: When _________? 
B: On Sunday morning
                1. did they arrive
                2. have they arrived
                3. did they arrived
                4. arrived they
13). Did your parents _________ you stay out late when you were a teenager?
                1. letting
                2. to let
                3. let
                4. allow
14). Coffee _________ in Brazil for hundreds of years
                1. was grown
                2. is grown
                3. has been grown
                4. is been grown
15). Rome is _________ beautiful __________ London.
                1. more, as
                2. more, than
                3. most, as
                4. as, than

