วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Conversation test

At the bag shop
                Assistant    :  Good morning, madam. ................1.................. ?
                Suda           :  I just want to look around.
                Assistant    :  ................2.................. . Everybody is welcome here.
      1.   1)   May I help you?                                   2)   Hello.
             3)   May I try?                                             4)   Hi.

      2.   1)   What would you like?                          2)   Go right ahead, madam.
             3)   Which ones would you like?              4)   Would you like the brown one?

             At market
             Shopkeeper  :  Can I help you, sir?
             Bob                :  Yes. ................3.................. ?
            Shopkeeper  :  They are one hundred baht each.
             Bob                :  ................4.................. . Well. Do you have any plain color ones?

      3.   1)   Do you like this one?                            2)   How much are these ties?
             3)   Would you like these?                         4)   How many ties are there in the box?

      4.   1)   Do you have a navy blue one?         2)   Would you wrap it, please?
             3)   Will there be anything else?               4)   I prefer this one.

  On the bus
             Conductor    :  ................5.................. ?
             Sutjai              :  Hua Lampong, please.
             Conductor    :  ................6.................. .
             Sutjai              :  Here you are.
             Conductor    :  ................7.................. .

      5.   1)   Any more fares, please?                     2)   Where to?
             3)   This way, please.                               4)   What is the next bus stop?

      6.   1)   Sixteen baht, please.                             2)   That’s the next stop.
             3)   That’s too far.                                       4)   Just wait.

      7.   1)   How much is the fare?                         2)   You’re welcome.
          3)   Thank you.                                               4)   May I keep the change?

At the department store
             Assistant    :  May I help you?
             Ladda        :  Yes, I’d like to return this hair-dryer.
             Assistant    :  ................8.................. ?
             Ladda        :  When I plug it in, nothing happens.
             Assistant    :  ................9.................. ?
            Ladda        :  Yes. Here it is.

      8.   1)   What would you like?                         2)   What happened?
             3)   What’s wrong with it?                         4)   What is it like?

      9.     1)  Do you have money?                           2)   Do you like the new one?
             3)   Do you have the member card?        4)   Do you have the receipt?

  At school (ข้อ 10-13)
             Teacher           :  ................10.................. . She’s an exchange student from Japan.
             Students           :  Hello, Kiko.
             Kiko Akata      :   ................11.................. . Nice to meet you.

    10.   1)   This is Kiko Akata.                               2)   My name’s Kiko Akata.
             3)   She is Japanese.                                    4)   Good morning.

    11.   1)   What a pleasant!                                  2)   All right.
             3)   Hello, everybody.                                 4)   Goodbye.

  Teacher     :  Would you close the window, please?
             Suda          :  ................12.................. .
             Teacher     :  Thank you.
             Somchot    :  ................13.................. .

    12.   1)   I don’t mind.                                           2)   Yes, please do.
             3)   Yes, certainly.                                         4)   Certainly not.

    13.    1)   Never mind.                                            2)   You’re welcome.
             3)   Okay.                                                        4)   Not a problem.

  On the way to the school canteen
             Suban     :  Let’s find something to eat, Suda.
             Suda       :  No, thanks. ................14.................. .
             Suban     :  ................15.................., Siriporn?
             Siriporn  :  Yes, shall we?

    14.   1)   I’m too tired.                                           2)   I’ll stay up late.
             3)   I have had already.                                4)   It’s too late.

    15.    1)  Would you stand up                                2)  Would you like to come with me
             3)  What would you like to have                  4)  What do you have

  At home (ข้อ 16-19)
             Wife          :  Would you care for a cup of coffee?
             Husband    :  Yes, please. ................16.................. .

    16.   1)   I love it.            2)   I am not hungry.          3)   Maybe later.             4)   Okay.

             Sopa       :  Turn off the radio, please.
             Sopa       :  I said turn off the radio, please.
             Somsak   :  All right. Sorry, ................17.................. .

    17.   1)   I didn’t hear you.                                  2)      I’m listening to the radio.
            3)   I can’t see you.                                      4)      I’ll go outside.

             Son         :  ................18.................. . I forgot to post your letter.
             Mother    :  Never mind, dear. You ................19.................. tomorrow.

    18.   1)   Excuse me, mom.                                 2)   I’m sorry, mom.
             3)   All right, mom.                                     4)   Okay, mom.

    19.    1)   will be done                                            2)   will write it
             3)   can post it                                               4)   can handle it

 At a clinic
             Suda       :  Good afternoon, doctor.
             Doctor    :  Good afternoon. Can I help you?
             Suda       :  ................20.................. .
             Doctor    :  Let me take your temperature. Oh! Yes, you have a temperature.
             Suda       :  ................21.................. ?
             Doctor    :  You’d better stay in bed for a day or two.

    20.   1)   Yes, you can.                                          2)   Yes, I have got a bad cold.
             3)   Yes, nothing’s serious.                         4)   Yes, go ahead.

    21.   1)   What’s my problem?                                2)  What happened to me?
             3)   What should I do?                                    4)  Was it serious?             
On the sidewalk
             A tourist     :  ................22.................. . How can I get to Wat Po?
             Siriporn     :  Well, you can take this bus.

    22.   1)   Please help me.                                      2)   Who can tell me?
 3)   Oh, please.                                              4)   Excuse me.

             Woman   :  Excuse me. ................23.................. ?
             Man        :  Yes, it’s 2.37.
             Woman   :  Thank you.

    23.   1)   What does it say?                                 2)   Do you have a watch, please?
            3)   Do you have the time, please?          4)   What does the clock say?

             Mike    :  Good morning, Susan. Are you all right?
             Susan   :  Well. ................24.................. .
             Mike    :  Oh dear! What’s the matter?

    24.   1)   I’m all right.                                            2)   I’m not feeling very well.
            3)   I have a cold.                                          4)   I have a fever.

             Tom     :  Guess what! I won the science award.
             Mike    :  ................25.................. ! I’m really happy for you.

    25.   1)   Really!                                                      2)  Oh, good!
             3)   Congratulations!                                   4)  You’re so smart!

             Susan   :  I have got a cold. And I cough all the time.
             Tom     :  Poor Susan! Why don’t you ................26.................. on the way home?

    26.   1)   take some hot water                            2)   go to school
            3)   have a rest                                             4)   see the doctor

             Mike    :  Hi, Sue. Did you have a good weekend?
             Sue      :  Great! I went hang-gliding yesterday.
             Mike    :  Did you? ................27.................. ?
             Sue      :  Oh, it was fantastic!

    27.   1)   What was it like?                                  2)   How was it?
             3)   What was it?                                          4)   How much was it?
Santi       :  I’ve got an insect bite. What can I do about it?
                        Somjai    :  Well, ................28.................. ?
                        Santi       :  Yes, all right. But I don’t think it’ll do any good.
                        Somjai    :  Well, ................29.................. ?

    28.   1)   where is it?                                             2)   why don’t you take a paracetamol?
             3)   let me see.                                               4)   is it hurt?

    29.   1)   when will you go home?                    2)   why not?
            3)   what about going home to bed?        4)   where’s your car?

            Montri    :  Hi, Noi! I like your new dress.
             Noi         :  Thanks. ................30.................. .
             Montri    :  That’s a nice jacket, Tuk. Is it new?
             Tuk         :  ................31.................. . But thanks anyway.

    30.   1)   I’m glad you like it.                              2)   I bought it many years ago.
             3)   It is very cheap.                                   4)   Do you like it?

    31.  1)   No, I have had it for years.                 2)   I have had it for years.
            3)   I had it for years.                                 4)   No, I had it for years.

             Suda    :  What do you think of “Love Me Love My Dog?”
             Sopa    :  ................32.................. . That was a good ending.

    32.   1)   No, I don’t like it.                                 2)      I like its theme.
            3)   Yes, I like it.                                           4)      Do you like it?

             Siriporn     :  I’m on holiday for a few days.
             Panomsri   :  ................33.................. ! But what about Noppadon?
             Siriporn     :  Oh, ................34.................. .

    33.   1)   Congratulations!                                   2)   How nice for you!
             3)   Okay.                                                        4)   Good news!

    34.   1)   he likes it                                                2)   never mind
             3)   he doesn’t mind                                    4)   he want it

 At the office (ข้อ 35-41)
             Boss          :  Anita, I need a cup of coffee.
             Secretary   :  Yes, Mr. Parkinson. ................35.................. .
             Boss          :  Thank you, Anita.
             Secretary   :  ................36.................. .

    35.   1)   How is your coffee?                             2)   How would you like your coffee?
            3)   Here you are.                                          4)   Let’s go for it.

    36.   1)   Enjoy yourself.                                      2)   No, thank you.
           3)   You’re welcome.                                  4)   Thank you, boss.

    Caller   :  Hello, is that 0-2589-1902?
     Ann     :  Yes.
    Caller   :  ................37.................. , please?
     Ann     :  Yes, who’s speaking, please?
    Caller   :  My name is Damrat Nasom.
     Ann     :  ................38.................. , please.

    37.   1)   Could I speak to Mrs. Supanee        2)   Could you tell Mrs. Supanee
   3)   Mrs. Supanee                                         4)   Can you tell Mrs. Supanee

    38.   1)   Just wait                                                   2)   One moment
            3)   Please wait                                              4)   All right
 Secretary   :  Mr. Danai’s office.
 Caller         :  May I speak to Mr. Danai, please?
 Secretary   :  I’m sorry. ................39.................. .
                       This is Mr. Danai’s secretary. ................40.................. .
 Caller         :  No, what time will he be back?
Secretary   : ................41.................. .

    39.   1)   He is out right now.                              2)   He is not at home.
   3)   He is not in here.                                  4)   No, he isn’t here.

    40.   1)   Do you have any message?                2)   Is there any message?
              3)   Please leave the message.                   4)   Anything to tell him.

