วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Eng Application test 1

1) An announcer on a public address system at an airport is about to make an announcement. He begins by saying : “……………………….”

1. Listen everybody

2. This is important.

3. Attention, please

4. Please hear me.

2) An exchange student at your school loves to eat sticky rice and mango. He has just finished a large plate of it. You ask : “…………………….”

1. Would you like another helping ?

2. Do you need some more ?

3. What more do you want ?

4. Can you take over ?

3) Mary is wearing a new pair of shoes which are very uncomfortable. She says to her friend : “……………………..”

1. I’m being bitten.

2. My feet are killing me!

3. Don’t step on my foot!

4. I want smaller feet.

4) A visitor to the Great Palace is stopped from entering the grounds because
she is wearing shorts and a sleeveless blouses. A palace official says : “………..”

1. Why don’t you wear your clothes ?

2. What strange clothes!

3. You should put your dress on.

4. You have to dress properly.

5) Your little brother is learning to ride a bicycle. He has just fallen for the third time. You want to encourage him. You say : “……………”

1. You never learn.

2. Don’t give up.

3. You’re hopeless.

4. Don’t cry for me.

6) Sarah meets her old friend Abby at their high school reunion. They haven’t
met for 10 years. Sarah says to Abby : “…………..”

1. We haven’t seen eye to eye for ages.

2. You haven’t changed a bit.

3. You seem to have become very old.

4. We have never met before, I believe.

7) The pizza delivery man has just delivered your pizza order. You pay him and say : “…………..”

1. Keep the change.

2. That’s your reward.

3. Have a tip.

4. Thanks for coming.

8) You are sitting in an air – conditioned bus next to a foreign tourists who is sitting by window. You don’t want the sun shining in your eyes so you say to him : “…………..”

1. The sunrise is really spectacular.

2. I hope you are enjoying the view.

3. Do you mind pulling the curtain ?

4. Could you please be more polite ?

9) Tom is trying to hang a picture on the wall. His wife offers him a saw. He
says : “…………..”

1. What good is that ?

2. Can’t you see I’m working ?

3. That’s a wonderful idea.

4. Give me another chance.

10) If you see a sign that says “No Trespassing”, you should ………………. .

1. hang around

2. wait a while

3. stay away

4. enter immediately

11) You are going away for 10 days and need someone to take care of your dog. You ask your neighbor : “…………..”

1. Do you like to watch my dog ?

2. Would you look after my dog ?

3. Why don’t you feed my dog ?

4. Do you keep an eye on my dog ?

12) A boy is playing with matches when he suddenly burns himself. You think to yourself : “…………..”

1. It serves you right.

2. Look before you leap.

3. Practice what you preach.

4. Tim is money.

13) Mary’s aunt offers her freshly based cookies and say : “…………..”

1. They’re hard as a rock.

2. Don’t mess around.

3. They’re your favorite.

4. Don’t make a fuss.

14) Ann can’t stop sneezing. Her friend says : “………………..”

1. It’s up your nose.

2. Sneezing is a bad habit.

3. What have you just seen?

4. Would you like a tissue?

15) You are in a movie theater. Two foreigners sitting in front of you are talking very loudly. You say : “………………”

1. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.

2. Don’t think too much of people.

3. Mind your own business.

4. Have a little consideration for others.

16) You were supposed to meet you friend at 3 p.m. He finally arrived an hour late. You say : “………………”

1. What kept you so long?

2. Why not now?

3. Why does it have to be me?

4. What took place?

17) You see an old man fall down. You rush to him and say : “………………..”

1. Don’t fall for me.

2. Are you all right?

3. Give me a break.

4. Have you seen a doctor?

18) In a crowded elevator, you want to ask someone to press the 5th floor button. You say : “……………… , please.”

1. Get off at five

2. Let’s go to five

3. Leave me at five

4. Five

19) At a building entrance, a security guard asks for your identification card.
You can’t find it. You say : “………………”

1. None of your business.

2. Will my driver’s license do?

3. Don’t bother.

4. Where can I get one?

20) Brian and his girlfriend Laura are deciding what to do this evening.
Laura says : “………………”

1. Tonight we will look at a movie, won’t we?

2. Let’s visit a cinema tonight, OK?

3. How about going to see a movie?

4. Do you like the movie?

21) A pregnant woman gets on a bus. A man gets up to give her his seat and says : “……………..”

1. I give us.

2. You’re welcome.

3. You can sit here.

4. The seat is alright.

22) You see some children hitting a cat. You say : “………………”

1. Keep it up.

2. Not to worry.

3. Don’t be serious.

4. Stop that.

23) Your friend asks if you would like something to drink. You say : “………………”

1. Can I get you some water?

2. Just some water, please.

3. Something, just water.

4. I like water, don’t you?

24) You do not understand what your English teacher has just said.
You raise your hand and say : “………………”

1. Could you go over that again?

2. Please talk twice.

3. Will you pardon me?

4. I am mistaken.

