วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Eng Application test 2

25) You are at a shopping center with friends. Everyone wants to go to a different
store. You say : “………………”
1.      Let’s have a meeting at 2:30.
2.      Return to me at 2:30.
3.      Can you find me here at 2:30?
4.      Shall we meet here at 2:30?
26) Your American pen pal is coming to visit Bangkok and Phuket. You offer to book a tour for him. He tells you : “………………”
1.      That’s all right. I can manage.   
2.      Leave it alone.
3.      Don’t be in trouble.
4.      Never mind, I’d like that.
27) You want to reply to your friend’s compliment about your T-shirt. You say,  “Thanks . ………………”
1.      You’re welcome.
2.      It was a present.
3.      You don’t have to say that.
4.      Don’t talk to me this way.
28) You meet a friend on the street, but you can’t stop to chat. You excuse
yourself, saying “…………..”
1.      Don’t call me. I’ll call you.
2.      I’m in a rush. Let’s talk later.
3.      I don’t have to see you.
4.      Make it sooner or later.
29) One of your classmates has won a scholarship to study abroad.
You congratulate her by saying, “…………..”
1.      Well done, I’m very happy for you.
2.      Amazing. I never expected so much.
3.      Very well. How did it go ?
4.      Cheers. Better me than you.
30) Tony wants to write down a telephone number, but he doesn’t have a pen . He asks Bill, “……………”
1.      Can I lend you a pen ?
2.      Do you have a moment ?
3.      Anything to give me ?
4.      Could I borrow your pen ?

31) Philip is disappointed when his girlfriend says she can’t go to a concert with him, so he asks her, “…………..”
1.      Who else wants to go along ?
2.      When will you let me know ?
3.      Are you sure you won’t change your mind ?
4.      Can you tell me when the next match will be ?
32) You are talking on the phone, but the line is not very clear. You say, “……………”
1.      Shout out a lot more.
2.      Could you speak up a bit ?
3.      Won’t you say a lot more ?
4.      Make a loud noise.
33) You want to buy a shirt in the department store. You see one that you like on sale, but it is too small. You ask the sales assistant, “……………”
1.      Can you make it bigger, please ?
2.      Is the sale still on for all sizes ?
3.      Will you sell me a bigger one ?
4.      Do you have a larger size ?

34) Brian wants the tuk –tuk driver to drive more slowly, so he says, “……………”
1.      There’s no need to hurry.
2.      I ask you to slow down.
3.      You in front, don’t drive so fast.
4.      Moving slow is better.

35) Dr. Cook has lost his passport so he telephones the British Embassy for advice. He says, “I’ve lost my passport ………………..”
1.      It’s your responsibility
2.      How can I go ?
3.      Tell me why you don’t help me.
4.      What should I do ?

36) A policeman tries to fine a woman who has just throw an empty plastic bottle on the street. The woman says, “……………”
1.      What’s the matter with you ?
2.      What did I do wrong ?
3.      Do you have a problem with me ?
4.      How can I help you ?

37) Someone offers you a glass of wine. You says, “……………”
1.      Let me find out.
2.      I apologize for drinking
3.      That would be funny.
4.      Sorry, I don’t drink.
38) Some students are having Thai food in a restaurant with their American teacher. One student asks, “……………”
1.      Do you taste hot food ?
2.      Are you too spicy ?
3.      How do you say about Thai food ?
4.      What do you call this in English ?
39) A student in the computer room is having problems with his computer. He calls the technician and says, “……………”
1.      There’s something wrong with this computer.
2.      This computer has a problem.
3.      Do you job.
4.      Fix this computer now.
40) John and his girlfriend are watching television one evening. John doesn’t like the program and says, “……………”
1.      Please change the TV immediately.       
2.      I can’t wait to see how it ends.
3.      Let’s watch something else.
4.      Turn over the channel.
41) Jim wanted to invite Sally to go to the graduation party with him, but he waited too long and now she is going with someone else. Jim thinks to himself, “……………”
1.      I should wait a little longer.
2.      I should have asked her sooner.
3.      I shouldn’t ask her.   
4.      I shouldn’t have gone to the party.
42) You want to change the time you arranged to meet your friend, Bob.
 You phone   him and say, “……………”
1.      Sorry Bob, you’ve got to give me more time.
2.      Bob, you stood me up. What about tomorrow ?
3.      Sorry Bob, I have to see you more often.
4.      Bob, I can’t make it at 2 o’clock. Are you free at 4 ?

43) Your friend has changed her hair style. You compliment her on her appearance  by saying, “……………”
1.      It really looks at you.
2.      You look terrific.
3.      You look strange indeed!
4.      What have you done now ?
44) A friend is walking with you along the pavement. You see he is about to step in a puddle of water and say, “……………”
1.      Look up!   
2.      Look out!   
3.      Step along!
4.      Step over!
45) John is talking to Mary when she sneezes. He asks her, “……………”
1.      Are you likely to get better ?
2.      Are you getting cold ?
3.      Do you have a cold ?
4.      Do you want a hand ?
46) When you check your bill at the restaurant, you find you have been overcharged. You say to the waiter, “……………”
1.      I think there has been a mistake
2.      I want another bill.
3.      There is too much to pay.
4.      You are cheating me.
47) You hear your friend use an English word that you don’t know so
you ask, “……………”
1.      Can that be written ?
2.      How can you spell that ?
3.      Must you say that again ?
4.      What does that mean ?
48) Your teacher asks your opinion about an outside reading book. You found it boring but you want to be polite so you say, “……………”
1.      How could you assign such a boring book ?
2.      The book I liked was certainly not to this one.
3.      I prefer the book was read last term.
4.      The book was unreadable, wasn’t it ?
49) A tourist is visiting Bangkok for the first time and wants to go to Wat Po. He asks  a policeman, “……………”
1.      Give me the map of Wat Po, thanks.
2.      What is the best way to get to Wat Po ?
3.      I am traveling to Wat Po. Please tell me how.
4.      I want to go to Wat Po. Please take me there.
50) You are meeting a friend at Don Muang airport. The first thing you
 say is, “……………”
1.      Good afternoon. Did you fly ?   
2.      Let’s find a way to go to town.
3.      I’ve waited a long time to meet you.
4.      Hi! Did you have a good flight ?
51) Your friend did not get a scholarship to study abroad.
You try to cheer him up by saying, “……………”
1.      You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
2.      Birds of a feather flock together.
3.      Every cloud has silver lining.
4.      Strike while the iron’s hot
52) You meet a friend who has just had her car stolen. You say, “……………”
1.      Very disappointed in you.
2.      Never more excited for you.
3.      Really sorry to hear the news.
4.      Can’t stand such a loss.
53) Bill and Anne have been to a pop concert to listen to their favorite band. On their way home, Anne says disappointedly, “……………”
1.      They are not as good as they used to be.
2.      They are less good than they ever were.
3.      They were much worse during the last month.
4.      They always play such brilliant music.
54) Just after an important examination, Alan asks James, “……………”
1.      What did you do ?
2.      Can you find it OK ?
3.      Did you do it ?
4.      How did you do ?
55) Myra has been unable to study because of the loud hammering coming from the room next to hers. She phones the apartment manager and says, “…………, but could you do something
about the noise ?
1.      I’m sorry to bother you
2.      There’s something going on
3.      Excuse me for saying this
4.      Please accept my apologies.

