วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 7

1. The man employed to take care of horses is ill today.
  (1) groom (2) coastguard

  (3) shepherd (4) coach
2. The man who takes care of sheep is found sleeping on the green pasture.
  (1) groom (2) shepherd

  (3) office boy (4) sawyer
3. The one who reports the news in a television broadcasting stationused to be my classmate.
  (1) reporter (2) journalist

  (3) newscaster (4) producer
4. Joe's father lends money at excessive interest-rates.
  (1) is an usurer (2) is a money-changer

  (3) is a banker (4) is a philanthropist
5. Eric is a dealer in beds, curtains and furniture.
  (1) a craftsman (2) a tailor

  (3) a hosier (4) an upholsterer
6. The person skilled in directing the course of the ship has been promoted.
  (1) soldier (2) pilot

  (3) captain (4) navigator
7. The chemist who compounds and sells medicine is my aunt.
  (1) therapist (2) physician

  (3) nurse (4) pharmacist
8. The head of the company is a very talented man.
  (1) president (2) governor

  (3) priest (4) senator

9. The man talks and walks like a woman. He is feminine.
  (1) manly (2) masculine

  (3) effeminate (4) boyish
10. Tim sends his car to the person who repairs cars and other vehicles.
  (1) engineer (2) dealer

  (3) mechanic (4) electrician
11. There is a dead body of a dog in the middle of the road.
  (1) carcass (2) casualty

  (3) coffin (4) fur
12. Large number of people who were killed or injured were reported in this accident.
  (1) deaths (2) gains

  (3) casualties (4) subjects
13. The people who settle on the piece of land without permission are told to leave immediately.
  (1) tenants (2) landlords

  (3) beggars (4) squatters
14. The oil-containers are placed in a field next to the factory.
  (1) barns (2) barrels

  (3) canisters (4) cartridges
15. Hillary shows a lot of affection towards young children.
  (1) hatred (2) love

  (3) frustration (4) disgust
16. Your work as a nurse requires a lot of patience in dealing with the patients.
  (1) digs into (2) calls for

  (3) gets by (4) brings up

