วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 8

1. The wholesalers go to the place where animals are slaughtered for the market every Monday.
  (1) cannery (2) apiary

  (3) brewery (4) abattoir
2. Our neighbor is a man who fixes and repairs the electrical wiring in a house.
  (1) an electrician (2) an engineer

  (3) a plumber (4) a contractor
3. We like to go to the place where water is collected and stored.
  (1) aquarium (2) reservoir

  (3) quarry (4) swimming-pool
4. The reporter spent a night in the house of a Maori.
  (1) warehouse (2) caravan

  (3) whare (4) igloo
5. The jury passed the verdict in the place where justice is administered.
  (1) goal (2) court

  (3) gallery (4) distillery
6. The strong and unpleasant smell of kerosene is overpowering.
  (1) aroma (2) scent

  (3) stench (4) smell
7. The furnace where rubbish is burnt is next to a construction site.
  (1) cemetery (2) incinerator

  (3) sewage plant (4) garage
8. Most housewives like to go to that large shop to shop for groceries and daily necessities.
  (1) institution (2) market

  (3) factory (4) emporium

9. The policemen went in the direction of the robber as soon as they spotted him.
  (1) made for (2) called for

  (3) looked into (4) kept at
10. He was standing at the structure that was stretching out into the sea for landing purposes.
  (1) pier (2) port

  (3) park (4) pothole
11. This range of products is up-to-date.
  (1) old (2) vintage

  (3) antique (4) modern
12. It is time for you to learn how to be independent.
  (1) turn over a new leaf (2) suit your book

  (3) stand on your own feet (4) sit on the fence
13. Ronnie went to the place for keeping government records and documents to do research.
  (1) auditorium (2) college

  (3) archives (4) museum
14. The pop star met the fans who welcomed him.
  (1) put on airs (2) parted company with him

  (3) received him with open arms (4) led him by the nose
15. Attendance at the course is obligatory for all new recruits.
  (1) optional (2) compulsory

  (3) voluntary (4) intentional
16. The male-duck has been slaughtered by the farmer for the feast.
  (1) duck (2) drake

  (3) ewe (4) ram

