วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 6

1. He has not visited us in a long time.
  (1) an eagle eye (2) the end of the road

  (3) donkey's years (4) a flying visit
2. The effect of a volcanic eruption on the environment can be devastating.
  (1) moderate (2) harmful

  (3) common (4) complimentary
3. Julie has finally dealt seriously with her alcoholism. She is seeking professional help to kick the habit.
  (1) come to grips (2) got on a strike

  (3) got hitched (4) risen with the lark
4. She was unable to control her emotions and actions when it was announced that she won the first prize.
  (1) was caught red-handed (2) got burned up

  (3) had cold feet (4) got carried away
5. Lily has the ability to speak freely and easily.
  (1) gift of the speech (2) gift of the lips

  (3) gift of the mouth (4) gift of the gab
6. Andy eats very quickly and noisily all the food on the table.
  (1) gobbles (2) gargles

  (3) swallows (4) navigator
7. If the project does not take place, we shall turn up another project.
  (1) falls out (2) calls for

  (3) falls through (4) gets by
8. Although he has lost his wallet, he is not brooding over it.
  (1) laughing it off (2) looking into it

  (3) writing it off (4) abiding by it

9. I will repeat my explanation if you do not understand it the first time.
  (1) rekindle (2) retry

  (3) reiterate (4) relive
10. I have paid as part of a larger sum 10% of the purchase price for the washing machine.
  (1) deposited (2) withdrawn

  (3) saved (4) invested
11. Shirleen was chosen to be the person in charge of money in the Rotary Club.
  (1) treasurer (2) chairman

  (3) banker (4) secretary
12. The place where dried plants are collected is destroyed by a recent flood.
  (1) hatchery (2) nursery

  (3) herbarium (4) park
13. If she does not pass the driving test, all her efforts will be wasted.
  (1) go down the drain (2) go places

  (3) go off (4) go over her head
14. Do not let these drugs gain control of your life.
  (1) foothold (2) footnote

  (3) footage (4) footloose
15. The shorthand typist demands a pay raise from her boss.
  (1) programmer (2) stenographer

  (3) secretary (4) civil servant
16. Wandy appeared as bashful as a schoolgirl when her boss prised her in front of her colleagues.
  (1) proud (2) fresh

  (3) shy (4) lively

