วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 5

1. The railway workers were reported to have gone on strike since Monday.
  (1) walked out (2) turned up

  (3) let down (4) switched off
2. Fred has to answer the call of nature while walking in a park.
  (1) call home (2) go to the toilet

  (3) understand the nature (4) preserve nature
3. He rejected my offer to help.
  (1) ran through (2) turned down

  (3) put off (4) kept off
4. She took a glimpse at the person sitting opposite her.
  (1) an intense stare (2) a glare

  (3) a short look (4) a close examination
5. This loaf of bread is not fresh. Don't eat it.
  (1) stale (2) rotten

  (3) old (4) smelly
6. Tim and Eve are very dear friends.
  (1) heart (2) twin

  (3) bosom (4) shadow
7. Johnny has been talking for a long time.
  (1) at sixes and sevens (2) at great length

  (3) at the eleventh hour (4) at odd hours
8. I am exhausted. Let us stop whatever we are doing.
  (1) break the ice (2) bring someone on account

  (3) bring the house down (4) call it a day.
9. The boss has approved his assistant to handle his work while he is away.
  (1) authorised (2) disagreed

  (3) denounced (4) blocked
10. This type of plant grows well in warm season.
  (1) flavour (2) period

  (3) place (4) color
11. He is unusually articulate at an age of five.
  (1) tongue-tied (2) long-winded

  (3) expressive (4) comical
12. My mom bought some needles and threads from the person who sells pins, tapes, ties, needles and threads.
  (1) seamstress (2) hairdresser

  (3) haberdasher (4) hawker
13. Every family will experience hardship if prices of goods and services increase by a big margin.
  (1) be tight-lipped (2) bear fruit

  (3) bear up (4) feel the pinch
14. Max, who does map-drawing or map-making, is the captain's good friend.
  (1) is a carpenter (2) is a stenographer

  (3) is a cartographer (4) is a mathematician
15. We visited the place where leather is tanned.
  (1) laboratory (2) tannery

  (3) abattoir (4) farm
16. She is standing at the verandah or covered approach to the entrance of the building.
  (1) park (2) porch

  (3) pier (4) pulpit

