วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Tense test 2

Grammar exercise for intermediate
Part 1 : Read the news report, choose the correct verb form and write it in the box
1. Millions of dollars' worth of damage has been caused by a storm which _____(swept/was swept) across the north of the United States last night.
2. The River Reiner______(burst/was burst) its banks after heavy rain.
3. Many people_______(rescued/were rescued) from the floods by fire-fighters.
4. Firefighters________(received/were received) hundreds of calls for help.
5. Wind speeds_______(reached/were reached) ninety miles an hour in some places.
6. Roads_______(blocked/were blocked) by fallen trees.
7. Electricity lines ______(brought/were brought) down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity.
8. "Everything possible ______(is doing/is being done) to get things back to normal," a spokesman said.
9. One young girl _______(took/was taken) to hospital after she broke her leg.
10. She has now_______(sent/been sent) home.

Part 2 : Look at these sentences written by a student from South America. She has made some mistakes using the passive and active verb forms. Which sentences are correct?
1. The most important part of my country is the north.
2. This is where coal is mined and we earn a lot of money from this.
3. There are also some beautiful beaches in the north.  
4. Tourists spend a lot of money, especially in the casinos that is found there.   
5. In the center of the country, agriculture is considered the most important thing.
6. Apples are grown in the Santa Ana valley and nearby, spring water are bottled;  
7. The famous Santa Ana Mineral Water, which is tastes wonderful and is sold all over the world.  
8. In the south, my family and I are lived.
9. It is the coldest part of the country.   
10. In winter, it is possible to ski.

