วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

English Application Usage

Part I Conversation
Direction: Read each of the dialogue and choose the best statement to complete the dialogue.

1.      A: Hello, ______
B: Hello, I’m not so good.
A.      How have you been?                  C. How’s your father?
B.      How’s your work?                      D. How do you do?

2.      A: I dropped my cell phone.
B: Let me have a look. I don’t think it’s broken.
A: ______
B: It’s alright.
A.      I think it’s too old.                       C. It dropped on the carpet.
B.      I’m sorry about that.                   D. Can you buy a new one?

3.    A: _____, where is the restroom?
B: It’s on the second floor.
A.      Oops!!                                           C. Excuse me
B.      I’m sorry                                      D. Good morning

4.    A: Excuse me, _______
B: Yes, it is 8.30.
A: Thank you.
A.      What does it say?                        C. Do you have the time, please?
B.      What does the clock say?           D. Do you have a watch, please?

5.    A: It’s almost eleven o’clock. I have to go, see you later.
B: ________
A.      Take care                                     C. Don’t mentioned it
B.      No problem                                 D. Come back to see me.

Situation: Mike is calling Mohammad’s office.
Telephone Operator: This is Streemandapitak company. How may I help you?
Mike: ______(6)________
Telephone Operator: _______(7)________
Mike: Mike.
Telephone Operator: ______(8)________. Would you like to leave a message?
Mike: ______(9)________

6.                    A. Would you have her call me when she gets back?
B.  May I tell her who’s calling?
C. I’m afraid she isn’t in at this moment.
D. May I speak to Mohammad, please?

7.                    A. Would you have her call me when she gets back?
B.  May I tell her who’s calling?
C. I’m afraid she isn’t in at this moment.
D. May I speak to Mohammad, please?

8.                    A. Would you have her call me when she gets back?
B.  May I tell her who’s calling?
C. I’m afraid she isn’t in at this moment.
D. May I speak to Mohammad, please?

9.                    A. Would you have her call me when she gets back?
B.  May I tell her who’s calling?
C. I’m afraid she isn’t in at this moment.
D. May I speak to Mohammad, please?

Situation: In the restaurant
A: They have an interesting menu here, ____(10)____?
B: Yes, ______(11)______, Thai food or Western food?
A: Thai food. ______(12)_______
B: OK, Can you eat hot food?
A: Oh yes, I love hot food.
B: ______(13)_______ Tom Yam?
A: No, not yet. But I have heard a lot about it.
B: This restaurant is famous ______(14)_______ their Tom Yam and Kaeng Hunglae.
A: Kaeng Hunglae!!??
B: It’s pork curry with thick chili sauce mixed with ginger and garlic.
A: Oh, that sound ______(15)_______

10.  A. aren’t they                                     C. isn’t it
B. don’t they                                      D. shouldn’t they

11. A. What shall we have tonight?      C. What must we have tonight?
      B. What do you think of tonight?   D. What did you use to have tonight?

12. A. Can I order?                                 C. Please order for me?
B. May I order?                                  D. Would you like me to order?

13. A. Did you ever try?                         C. Have you ever tried?
     B. Will you try?                                  D. Do you want to try?

14. A. to                                                   C. for
     B. at                                                     D. by

15. A. terrible                                          C. terrific
     B. awful                                              D. probable

Part II Grammar Usage
Direction: Choose the best answer which is properly according to grammar usage

16. I like the science teacher. She’s the ______ teacher in the school.
A.      nicer                     B. nicest                      C. nice                         D. none of correct

17.  I am three years ______ than my sister.
A.      old                         B. older                       C. oldest                      D. none of correct

18.  Tony makes me laugh. He’s the ______ boy in our class.
A.      funniest                B. funnier                   C. funny                      D. none of correct

19.  I need my jacket. It’s ______ today than it was yesterday.
A.      cold                       B. colder                     C. coldest                    D. none of correct

20.  Who’s ______ , Morgan or Willy?
A.      More handsome  B. most handsome    C. handsome              D. none of correct

21.  I can’t swim. I’m the ______ swimmer in the world.
A.      bad                        B. worse                    C. worst                      D. none of correct

22.  Soccer is more popular ______ volleyball.
A.      The                        B. than                       C. A and B                   D. none of correct

23.  A: Ian plays football better than I do. He’s ______ best football player in the team.
B: Yes, I agree with you totally.
A.      The                        B. than                       C. A and B                   D. none of correct

24.  She works in ______ biggest office in the building.
A.      The                        B. than                       C. A and B                   D. none of correct

25.  How ______ are elephants? They can weigh up to 5,000 kilograms.
A.      big                         B. heavy                      C. old                           D. long

26.  How long is ______?
A.       ball                       B. biscuit                     C. ruler                       D. coffee bean

27.  delicious/the/which/flavor/is/ice cream/most
A.      Which the most delicious ice cream is flavor?            
B.      Which is the most flavor ice cream delicious?
C.      Which ice cream is the most delicious flavor?
D.     Which is the most delicious ice cream flavor?

28.  family/evening/the/your/what/of/were/yesterday/members/doing
A.      What the family member were doing of your yesterday evening?
B.      What were the members of your family doing yesterday evening?
C.      What were the members of your family doing evening yesterday?
D.     What were the members doing yesterday evening of your family?

29.  yesterday/doing/afternoon/were/homework/you
A.      Were you doing homework yesterday afternoon?
B.      Were you doing homework afternoon yesterday?
C.      Were you yesterday afternoon doing homework?
D.     Were homework you doing afternoon yesterday?

30.  She ______ the piano when her father arrived.
A.      is playing              B. was playing            C. plays                       D. is played

31.  We ______ for the bus when the policeman arrested the thief.
A.      waited                   B. was waiting            C. is waiting                D. was waited

32.  When she ______ the purse, she was walking in the street.
A.      finds                      B. found                      C. was finding             D. is found
33.  What were your parents ______ when we arrived?
A.      do                          B. did                           C. doing                       D. does

Teacher: Is that your backpack?
Ronaldo: It isn’t ____(34)____
Teacher: Whose is it?
Ronaldo: I think its Jerry’s.
Teacher: No, it isn’t ___(35)___. Jerry’s backpack is black.

34.  A. yours                      B. hers                                    C. his                           D. mine

35.  A. yours                      B. hers                                    C. his                           D. mine

Part III Vocabulary
Direction: Read the question and choose the best answer

36.  The number of people is too high and it’s terrible, so mean….
A.      Overpopulation   B. global warming     C. unemployment      D. economy

37.  Everyone needs to have ____ for bath, cook and drink.
A.      kitchen                  B. fresh air                 C. fresh water            D. nature

38.  High amount of industry which produced carbon dioxide quickly, so it caused of …..
A.        Pollution              B. flooding                  C. tsunami                  D. explosion

39.  ____ makes green house effect; it caused the temperature increase very fast in short term.
A.      Volcano                B. global warming     C. desert                     D. oasis

40.  The number continues decrease and will permanent disappear soon.
A.      Traffic                   B. terrorism               C. endangered           D. diseases

41.  The European Union was formally established on November 1, 1993. The bold word means…
A. set up                     B. rebuilt                    C. repair                     D. upgrade

42.  Over the next few weeks, the people knocked the wall down. The bold word means…
A.      demote                 B. destroy                   C. degrade                  D. decrease

43.  Space exploration has brought new discoveries in many areas. The bold word means…
A.      close                     B. open                       C. find                         D. hide

  1. Hip-hop music has been expanding all over the world in recent years. The bold word means…
A.      past                       B. present                   C. future                     D. none of correct

45.  Constantly searching for new combination of flavors to keep the product fresh.
A.      To separate          B. To produce                        C. To mix         D. To adapt

46.  Students get hands-on experience by accompanying their teachers.
A.      To find                  B. To reverse             C. To follow                D. To strict

47.  He experiments with different products.
A.       differ                    B. similar                    C. same                       D. alike

48.  Working with clay is normally associated with artist.
A.      participate                        B. ally                          C. repress       D. undertake

49.  Computer expertise in word-processing and graphic program.
A.      elementary                       B. efficiency                C. proficiency D. novice

50.  An article I wrote about jobs for teens has appeared in local press.
A.      disappear             B. merge                     C. distance                  D. occur

