วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 3

1. He ran fast lest he be seen by his parents.
  (1) but (2) for fear that

  (3) although (4) unless
2. A pistol is a lethal weapon.
  (1) deadly (2) short

  (3) dear (4) legal
3. Children are vulnerable to abuse. They are practically defenceless.
  (1) blackmailed by (2) attracted to

  (3) injured by (4) unprotected from
4. The head of the company is a very talented man.
  (1) president (2) governor

  (3) priest (4) senator
5. We were given free coupons to buy things from the shop.
  (1) summons (2) slips

  (3) vouchers (4) votes
6. My grandfather cannot read or write because he has never been to school.
  (1) is ineligible (2) is inedible

  (3) is illegible (4) is illiterate
7. Lisa went to the place for keeping government records and documents to do research.
  (1) auditorium (2) college

  (3) archives (4) museum
8. We are likely to make mistakes when we are tired.
  (1) expected (2) felt

  (3) demanded (4) prone

9. She had learnt how to be thrifty after her mother reduced her pocket-money by half.
  (1) frugal (2) miserly

  (3) petty (4) calculative
10. He inherited a huge sum of money when his grandmother passed away.
  (1) a fortune (2) an allowance

  (3) a mishap (4) a property
11. The little boy resembles his father in many ways.
  (1) takes out (2) take to

  (3) takes after (4) take on
12. When we went to Hawaii, we were given a warm welcome by the local inhabitants.
  (1) natives (2) hosts

  (3) guests (4) immigrants
13. The police are appealing for people who saw the accident to provide them with more information.
  (1) accomplices (2) witnesses

  (3) victims (4) peeping Toms
14. The motorist is severely hurt in the accident.
  (1) seriously (2) mildly

  (3) slightly (4) barely
15. The burglars tried to attract the guard dogs away from the house by giving them food.
  (1) lock (2) capture

  (3) lure (4) trick

16. Smoking is a serious health danger.
  (1) hazard (2) gamble

  (3) crime (4) doubt

