วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Synonym 20

1. If you keep quiet, I shall give another thought to my decision.
  (1) memorize (2) reconsider

  (3) remember (4) recollect
2. His parents made him amend his ways.
  (1) change (2) learn

  (3) observe (4) display
3. There is tax imposed on wines and spirits.
  (1) fee (2) income

  (3) duty (4) charge
4. The new teacher would not put up with any mischief.
  (1) forgive (2) permit

  (3) allow (4) tolerate
5. The detective hesitated for a moment before he opened the door.
  (1) decided (2) paused

  (3) shivered (4) aimed
6. He bought a new television set as he was able to meet the periodic payments.
  (1) instalments (2) insurance

  (3) bills (4) purchase
7. He told them of his exciting and dangerous experiences in the mountains.
  (1) mysteries (2) journeys

  (3) trips (4) adventures
8. You need a holiday; you look a bit run-down.
  (1) tired from running (2) breathless and sleepy

  (3) old and broken (4) tired and weak
9. If you strike out fifty words, we can put the whole story on one page.
  (1) print (2) write

  (3) delete (4) erase
10. The naughty boys mocked at the clown.
  (1) disturbed (2) tricked

  (3) pitied (4) ridiculed

