วันอังคารที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

My First Ride on a Ferry

My First Ride on a Ferry

The first time I ever rode on a ferry was when I took one to cross from Butterworth to Penang Island. My family and I had gone to Penang for a holiday.
We arrived at the Ferry Terminal just as the sun was setting. My father paid the fare at one of the toll-booths and we were ushered into a lane. We had to stop behind a row of cars to await the arrival of the next ferry.
Presently a light yellow ferry arrived. Cars and motorcycles sped out of it. Then the green light came for us to board. My father carefully drove the car onto the lower deck of the ferry. It was an exciting new experience for me. I noticed the words "Pulau Undan" on a wall of the ferry.
As soon as the ferry was filled with cars and motorcycles on the lower deck, it left the terminal and proceeded towards the island. I stood at the front end of the ferry and watched the water churn and twirl as the ferry cut through it.
I could see the island a short distance ahead of us. To our left spanned the Penang Bridge. The setting sun cast a red glow on the whole scene and I must say that it was beautiful.
My sister and I climbed up the stairs to the upper deck. It was filled with passengers who either sat on the seats there or loitered around the area.
Soon the short ride ended. We hurried back down to the lower deck and got into our car when we saw Penang Island loom closer and closer.
Finally the ferry docked and my father followed the row of cars out of the ferry. The car bumped a bit on the uneven ramp but soon we were on Penang itself. My first ferry ride was over.


to show someone the way


to move slowly around or stand especially in a public place without an obvious reason


an artificial slope

